Contact/About is my personal portfolio and entertainment website. Games, animations, articles, and more. All content featured here has been produced either by me or friends of mine, including the site itself. I don't use any pre-made systems or components. The site layout was created by Dan from Undercover Studios and Sam from Smulse Design. The backend coding and database work was done by me.
In other words, this isn't your average flash content site.
Whether I'm working with the audio gurus at KTR, slick artists like poxpower, or just by myself, you'll find that everything here has a personal touch to it. So take a look around! I promise you'll find something interesting.
Worried about your privacy?
I'm here to entertain, not scam. But there are some things you should know. IP addresses are tracked site-wide for security purposes. Email addresses are collected for the sole purpose of account registration, and newsletter subscription (should you choose this). No information provided is sold or redistributed, and is only visible on your account page if you choose for it to be. Lastly, some advertising providers will use non-personal data about your web-browsing experience on this site and others to serve relevant ads. For more information, click here.
Need to contact me about something?